"Nova Seed" - Gorgon Pictures - Nick DiLiberto

There's a new 2D animation studio based in Fukuoka Japan, organized by Canadian filmmaker / animator Nick DiLiberto. The studio is called Gorgon Pictures and "NOVA SEED" is their first feature length animated motion picture many years in the making. It's entirely hand drawn frame by frame.

The studio is currently looking for distribution of the film. I'm sure they'll be lining up with a partner soon. Meanwhile we can enjoy a glimpse of what to expect from this intriguing movie through the trailer and also by perusing the Gorgon Pictures website.

NOVA SEED - Official Trailer 01/ Gorgon Pictures Inc.

The Art of Loish - Lois Van Baarle - Kickstarter - Sept 24 2015 - $100K in 1 day

Wanna make $100,000 in a day? Then follow in the footsteps of Lois Van Baarle (aka Loish) and spend a few years working in the biz, build an great online community based upon your art, and launch a Kickstarter campaign to fund the publication of your book.

Her goal of $31,360 was reached in just 2 hours! By the next day she had raised over $100K and is now at $139,351 on day 2 with 28 days to the deadline of September 24 2015.

Loish is a super talented artist and her work is beautiful. She also animates and in combination with her concept design experience she has emerged as an artistic force with a large online following.

Check out The Art of Loish campaign at the link below and view the video for more info into the latest crowdfunding success within the community...


The Art of Loish A Look Behind the Scenes by Loish and 3dtotal Publishing Kickstarter

Dismaland - Banksy - UK - September 27 2015

If you're into depressing nihilistic anarchism you'll get a kick from this spoof of Disneyland. It's called Dismaland Bemusement Park in the UK and it's a temporary attraction by street artist Banksy featuring the works of 58 other artists participating. It runs through September 27 2015. There are 4000 tickets available for purchase per day. Demand is so high the Dismaland website keeps crashing. Check out the video and follow this link for more info.


Too bad big studios! Conspiracy lawsuit to continue!

For years I've been calling attention to the dysfunction and corruption within the animation industry. My campaign for our community to address these many issues including and especially the problems with animation executives lead to the launch of AnimatrionNation.com and the AN Movement in February 1999. I feel a sense of affirmation now that a high profile lawsuit against several major studios has been allowed to proceed. 

Many leading animation studios are accused of conspiring among themselves to keep the wages of animation artists artificially low by sharing information and colluding to suppress inter-studio competition for quality talent in violation of US antitrust laws. Last week on August 21 2015 a federal judge refused a request to dismiss the lawsuit thus giving it a green light to proceed.

The Hollywood Reporter first broke the news followed by an article in Variety. We'll be posting updates on the AN Forum topic as well as on AN's Facebook.

This is why I believe as strongly as I do that it's vital to encourage the growth of the independent animation community. The established system is not set up for the benefit of artists and animators. In this industry there should be no excuse for artists to not be running the show. Instead we have an entire and most significant aspect of motion picture and broadcast entertainment that is in the pockets of non-creative corporate executives. The entrenched mentality that we somehow need this backwards system in order for things to function in the mainstream is self defeating. There was a time when animation studios were run by animation artists. There's no reason why we can't have that happen again for our benefit and the benefit of all.

This lawsuit is another wakeup call and a further motivating and encouraging factor in reforming the way we do things in our own house.

JAPIC - Animation Artist in Residence Program 2016 - Deadline Sep 10 2015

The Japan Image Council (JAPIC) has announced this year's “Animation Artist in Residence Tokyo 2016” which aims to provide three outstanding young animation artists with an opportunity to come to Tokyo. The program has been in effect since 2010.

Animation artists interested in staying in Tokyo for the creation of their projects are welcome to apply. This is open to new talents from all over the world.

JAPIC is currently accepting applications. The deadline for this year’s program is September 10 2015 with a 70 day period of residency between January 7 through March 17 2016. For more info follow this link.

"Abo & Karo" - Hayk Manukyan - Kickstarter - Sept 20 2015

Long time ANer Hayk Manukyan (aka sykohyko) of Moolt Films has been featuring his Abo & Karo cartoons on the forums for many years. Now he's launched a Kickstarter campaign to take his property to the next level. His comedic short films showcase everyday situations inspired by Hayk's own family. He's attempting to get a mini movie made and is looking to achieve his goal through crowdfunding. Check out the Abo & Karo campaign and help support this exceedingly fun project. Deadline is September 20 2015.


"My Africa" - Sariel Keslasi

Here's an animated music video by Tel Aviv based Sariel Keslasi. A stark style that underscores and enhances the message of the song even though we may not understand Hebrew. You can access more info about the production of the video at this link for backgrounds and this link for character animation.

"MY AFRICA" Gilad Kahana

"Norm of the North" - Lionsgate / Splash - Jan 15 2016

There's a new feature length animated film on the way about a polar bear that is out to save the Arctic from the destructive affects of human habitation. It's called "Norm of the North" and hails from Splash Entertainment and Lionsgate. Check out the trailer for an idea of what we can expect to experience upon its release on January 15 2016.

Norm of the North on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Norm Of The North (2016) – Official Trailer

Stash 112 - World's greatest Animation, Motion Design & VFX

A non-stop feast of design, animation and VFX, Stash 112 packs another 31 creatively and technically outstanding video projects into the Stash Permanent Collection along with great behind-the-scenes features and exclusive interviews with the designers, directors and producers behind the work.

Commercials, broadcast and title design, music videos, brand films, infographics and short films: they're all here in the Stash Permanent Collection, the planet's largest online video design library and an indispensable creative resource for creative professionals and students in over 50 countries.

Enjoy Stash FREE for 30 days and discover the stories behind the work. Subscribe to Stash and gain instant access to the largest online library of Animation, VFX and Motion Design. Check out the preview video for this issue of Stash...

Stash 112 Preview

New trailer - Pixar's "The Good Dinosaur"

Therre's an extended trailer online for Pixar's upcoming feature "The Good Dinosaur" which features some extended viewing time and provides a better idea of what we can expect to see this coming November 25 2015 when it's released. Check out all the links to the movie on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and Pinterest

The Good Dinosaur - Official US Trailer
