RECA - French Schools of Animation Network

Happy to report on the formation of a new organization. It's called RECA and is a network of the top 15 animation schools in France. This is significant as French animation schools are leaders in education for the art and among the finest animation schools in the world. Here's a website associated with the new organization. For the official press release and more info about RECA and the schools associated with the network follow this link.

Walt Disney Family Museum video

An incidental conversation with a friend brought this video and topic to the forefront, concerning Walt Disney drawing a picture of a pig on the side of the family barn in tar, where he was growing up as a youngster in Marceline, Missouri. You can see the reference to it at around 10 seconds into this video from the Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco. The video is a nice encapsulation of Walt's life in a minute's time. Thanks to ANer 9oldmen for bringing it to my attention. Here's the link to the Forum topic.


Cartoon Planet returns to CN - March 30 2012

Fans of Cartoon Planet are happy to see its return to television. Although Space Ghost won't be part of the line up, Dexter's Lab, Powerpuff Girls, Flapjack and several other favorites will be.  Among the changes, there'll be a couple of new hosts and you can see who they'll be by watching the promotional video below. Thanks to ANer socklessM for bringing this to the Forums. The all new Cartoon Planet debuts this evening.


Latest 'ParaNorman' Trailer from Laika

Must be the season for trailers as we're suddenly seeing several of them come around for anticipated animated features. The most recent being "ParaNorman". Here's the official website for the movie. The production house is Laika in Portland, Oregon in the US. The release date for the film is August 17, 2012. Take a look at how it's shaping up. The Forum topic has been in development for some time and showcases several trailers for ParaNorman leading up to this one. 


Stream 'Painting the Future' today only

This is a heartwarming live action tale of an embittered painter who lost his eyesight due to a degenerative disease, and the relationship he develops with a little girl who assists him and helps to bring back his humanity. You can stream "Painting the Future"  for free for 24 hours today only, March 29, 2012, prior to the release of the DVD. Follow this link for more info. Meanwhile, take a look at the trailer and find out more of what this movie is about.


'War Horse' - stage play with puppets

If you're familiar with Steven Spielberg's Oscar nominated movie 'War Horse' released last year, I'm sure you'll appreciate the puppetering technology behind a stage play of the same name from the same book as the film. The most successful production the National Theatre of Great Britain has ever had. It's interesting to see animation at work in a very different way. Check out this video, it has behind the scenes footage of what's involved with the play, as well as historical info about just how bad World War I was for both man and beast. Forum topic is here.

