Fracking - An animated explanation

A couple of days ago in the US the state of Oklahoma experienced an earthquake, the biggest in its recorded history. Oklahoma does not have very many earthquakes at all, so this one was intriguing. Turns out the epicenter of the quake is in the heart of an area where "fracking" is used to extract oil and natural gas from deep below the surface.

Fracking is controversial as it involves pumping water, sand and chemicals under pressure to force out gas and oil, especially natural gas. Here's an animated film I discovered, produced by that explains the process and the environmental and health risks associated with it. The Forum topic is here with additional videos describing problems with fracking available for you to see.


A fresh look at Disney's 'Tangled'

Recently I had an opportunity to see "Tangled" and after re-assimilating the experience after its theatrical run last year, I'm compelled to offer my comments and say that it is an absolutely fantastic film. Tangled is by far a much better movie than it's initially given credit for.

The production quality is excellent, the story moves along nicely, the acting is terrific, so's the music and orchestration, and the design is everything one would expect from the studio's outstanding staff. Above all, the relationship between the two central characters is very touching and believable, and with an exceptional villain in the great Disney tradition. To top it off, there's several places where the viewer will be challenged to hold back the tears.

While not perfect, it is in no doubt one of the best, if not the best animated feature Disney has produced since I don't know when, in my opinion. Here's a sequence from Tangled to enjoy...


Ward Kimball's 'The Committee' from 1949

Heard from Jim Clark today concerning this painting recently discovered and attributed to Ward Kimball, one of the venerable Nine Old Men from the Golden Age of Disney Animation.

Jim has this to say about the special work of art from one of animation's most brilliant talents...


Look for a special episode of Antiques Roadshow featuring "The Committee", on PBS from Eugene in early 2012!

I had the opportunity to bring "The Committee" to the Roadshow this summer for review in Eugene, Oregon. Appraiser, Leila Dunbar (best known for sports memorabilia appraisals) immediately recognized the piece as a Kimball. Apparently her father was an expert on Disney and animation history, so Leila took to the piece and put us on the air. The Committee played amazing on the monitor and when it hits the air in 2012 the whole country will learn about Ward Kimball, his contributions and his work.

The Committee, 1949
Ward Kimball 1914-2002
Oil on Masonite
24in. x 42in


For more about what we can look forward to concerning Ward Kimball's painting being featured on The Antiques Roadshow on PBS (Public Broadcasting System in the US)  follow this link to the AN Forums. 

John Lasseter Gets His Star on Walk of Fame

It's about time, way overdue, what took them so long, glad it finally happened, what else can be said for the man who became the most prolific individual in the history of modern animation. His star is located at 6834 Hollywood Boulevard in front of the El Capitan Theatre. The special moment at yesterday's historic ceremony in Hollywood has been captured for all to see, followed by Mr Lasseter's personal comments in the videos below. Additional links can be found at the Forum topic.



'Time Avengers' from The Wire Room

It's always great to showcase the animation of new members on AN, especially when it's a collective of independent animators who are doing their own creative thing. This is from The Wire Room, a group of three feature animators in the UK who've come up with a pilot episode to pitch for a property of theirs called 'Time Avengers'.

The aim of this project is to show the potential of the show and how an expensive look could be achieved on a relatively low budget with a small crew of artists. Their pitch package consists of a Pitch Bible with concept art, episode synopsis, character artwork, back stories and story arcs as well as this excellent footage. It was all created in just 8 months by the 3 members of The Wire Room with the additional assistance of Musician Chris Hill and voice actors Tim Dickinson and Suzy McLintock. Here's their YouTube Channel and here's the pilot for Time Avengers. The Forum topic is here.


'ParaNorman' on its way August 17, 2012

Something else to look forward to next year in terms of feature animated films. "ParaNorman" is an upcoming 3D stop-motion comedy thriller produced by Laika of Portland, Oregon and distributed by Focus Features. It's release date is August 17, 2012.

Featuring the voices of Casey Affleck, Tempestt Bledsoe, Jeff Garlin, John Goodman, Bernard Hill, Anna Kendrick, Leslie Mann, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Elaine Stritch and Tucker Albrizzi among others.

In a small town that's under siege by zombies, only Norman, a misunderstood local boy who is able to speak with the dead, is able to rise to the challenge. In addition to the zombies, he'll have to take on ghosts, witches and grown-ups, to save his town from a centuries-old curse. Here's the trailer. The song is 'Season of the Witch' from 1966 by Donovan.


Mad Monster Party? - Halloween 1967

If you were around in 1967, you would've enjoyed this stop motion animated TV special by Rankin Bass. "Mad Monster Party?" was a product of its day, a lot of groovy fun with Fankenstein, Dracula, the Wolfman, the Mummy, and other ghouls including Phyllis Diller to round off the all star cast. Here's the trailer for the show. If you're looking to see extended video on the making of this iconic Halloween special follow this link to the documentary.


Tim Burton's 'Frankenweenie'

There's a lot of chatter and anticipation as Tim Burton's stop motion feature film "Frankenweenie" is heading closer to release a year from now on October 5, 2012. Did you know that this movie is based on a previous live action film he produced in 1984? At the time, Disney considered it too scary for kids to watch. Here's Tim Burton himself introducing his original Frankenweenie followed by the film. There's also some recently released images of the upcoming feature that are available for viewing here.



Dr. Seuss' "The Lorax" coming March 2, 2012

The journey of a boy as he searches for the one thing that will enable him to win the affection of the girl of his dreams. To find it he must discover the story of the Lorax, the grumpy yet charming creature who fights to protect his world. That's Hollywood's version. The original Lorax is a story about an entrepreneur getting in over his head and winds up destroying the environment. Directed by Chris Renaud and featuring the voices of Danny DeVito, Zac Efron, Ed Helms, Taylor Swift, Rob Riggle and Betty White among others, it still looks to be an entertaining animated motion picture experience. Below is the trailer for the upcoming film by Universal, with the Forum topic here.

