'The Secret World of Arrietty' - February 17, 2012

From the legendary Studio Ghibli comes "The Secret World of Arrietty", an animated adventure based on Mary Norton's acclaimed children's book series "The Borrowers". Directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi and written by Miyazaki and Keiko Niwa. Cast includes Will Arnett, Amy Poehler, David Henrie, Carol Burnett and Saoirse Ronan.

Coming to theaters on February 17th, 2012 courtesy of Walt Disney Pictures. Here's the Forum topic, and here's the official trailer...


Oscar Nomination for 'Chico & Rita'

We're more than excited to report that "Chico & Rita" has been nominated for Best Animated Feature for the upcoming 2011 Academy Awards!

This is a traditionally animated film that's been promoted on AN since we got wind of it, thanks to one of our members Hans Christian Jehger who goes by hcjehg on the Forums. Hans is affiliated with HoBSoft, the production system used to create Chico and Rita. Here's the Forum topic he started when he brought the good news about the film's nomination to our attention. I thought I'd include the following video for the homepage entry honoring this terrific development. It's the official announcement of the major Oscar nominees. You can catch the Animated Feature category at 3:30 of the timeline. I've also included the trailer for the film.

A complete list of all the animation category nominees can be found here, including Shorts and Visual Effects.

Congratulations to all the nominees from everyone at AnimationNation!



The 2012 Demo Reel of Snakebite Cortez

Brilliant, bold, boisterous, brave, and beautiful. That's the 'Bite. Snakebite that is. He's been with us since the earliest days of the AnimationNation Movement. In fact, I met him on April 1, 1999 at The Great Alliance - the very first industry get together we organized in an effort to unify the artists of the Los Angeles animation industry / community. Ever since we've been closest of friends and brothers in arms.

Snakebite walks the talk. Staunchly independent, his professional life is based upon the principles he embraces. Cooperation, self reliance, creative strength, the light of truth. He is an outstanding talent, one of the pioneer digital colorization artists in the comic book industry. He's worked in animation on award winning shows and cutting edge productions. Currently he is proprietor and partner at Petra Gallerie, an avaunt-gard art experience in Beverly Hills, California. A great artist and a genius at Photoshop, here's a look  at his personal website and his latest demo reel below. The Forum topic can be found here.  


Angry Birds and the Year of the Dragon

It's the Chinese New Year and everyone is celebratng. Even the characters from the popular Angry Birds video game franchise. With a new animated video online and 1,615,356 YouTube views in just three days as of this writing, fans continue to flock to see what the Angry Birds are up to. Produced by Finland's Rovio Entertainment, there's career opportunities with the studio according to their website. Meanwhile, enjoy the video and have a Happy Year of the Dragon...


Global 3D Arts - Architectural Rendering

The fine art of architectural illustration is something I admire. I've known several oustanding artists who are legendary in their skills and vision, and who came into animation from this discipline, usually as background designers, prop designers, and visual development artists. 

Check out Global 3D Arts and some of the samples of their work. They're based in Hays, Kansas, the geographical heart of the USA. From their renderings, to their scale models, and their walkthrough / flyby animated videos, this is a company of highly skilled professionals. Below is just one example of what they do. You can find more at the Forum topic.


K. Hermann's Showreel

Another new member to the AN Forums has brought to our attention their showreel. This is the work of K. Hermann who I'm pretty sure is an African based talent. Lots of beef for the time that it runs, exhibiting a unique look and feel that's emerging on the worldwide animation scene through this artist. Enjoy...


Wondercat to the Rescue!

It's amazing what you can do with the simplest animation techniques, basic software and a concept rooted in absurdity. Case in point, Wondercat! YouTube's latest animated sensation. Can't make sense of it? Don't let that stop you from enjoying the show. Here's the most recent episode. You can see more Wondercat videos here.


The Meek, The Mad, and The Misinformed

Another project brought to our attention by a new member to the Forums. Koo Koala Productions is a student film crew involved in an ambitious final year endeavor at Ryerson University in Toronto producing their final massive project. It's a stop motion film, 5 minutes in length, at 24 frames per second and they're video documenting the effort and the film making process.

You can follow how they made their Burton-esque puppets, or designed their sets, or found voice actors, or see many other things involved with the evolution of the film by going to the Kool Koala website. You can also check out their Facebook page by following this link to "The Meek, the Mad, and the Misinformed". Here's the Forum topic and a look at one of their videos explaining the set construction process...

