David Choe - Facebook's $200 mil graffiti artist

Many have heard the news recently about a graffiti artist who painted the walls of Facebook's offices in 2005 and accepted stock instead of cash in exchange for his work. Today, that artist is worth more than $200 million by virtue of the stock he owns. His name is David Choe and here he is in an interview with Barbara Walters from a few days ago. David had a measure of notoriety before his sudden thrust into uber fame. There's quite a few videos about him on YouTube that have been up for several years. He was quite a controversial figure. You can view some of them here. I enjoy seeing the success of others, especially fellow artists, and I hope that David can find balance in his life now that he's famous.


Last Saturdays - Petra Gallerie - Beverly Hills

Among the most interesting, exciting and avant garde hip of live creative experiences happening in the LA art scene today is Last Saturdays at Petra Gallerie on South Robertson Drive in Beverly Hills, California. The mastermind behind Last Saturdays is Snakebite Cortez, a long time member of AN going way back to The Great Alliance - our very first organized walkout of the artists of the animation industry on April 1, 1999. Snakebite is a brilliant artist, renowned in animation and comics for his Photoshop skills, a visionary and a bold outspoken leader within our community.  Here's a look at the last Last Saturdays gathering at Petra which took place on January 28, 2012. Last Saturdays occurs on, naturally enough, the last Saturday of each month. You can also see Snakebite in creative action by following this link to a follow up video of the event.


Animated Valentines 2012

Celebrating our very first Valentines Day on AN's New Hompage! And I have to say, it's always better when we're together. I don't know who did the animation. The song is by Jack Johnson.


This is a real life animated proposal from 2005 by Jeffrey Paul  who produced this video as a way of proposing to his girlfriend who is now his wife. He assembled a team of 20 animators to assist him, including co-workers and students from his 3D character animation class at the Art Institute of California-San Francisco. More than four minutes of animation was created in just three months. When it was completed, he brought her to the Parkway Movie Theater in Oakland, where they played the animation on the big screen in front of over 100 of their friends and family. The entire event was filmed for the TLC television show "A Perfect Proposal."


There's several more videos I've compiled at this dedicated topic on the Forums. Check them out and enjoy a special time as we contemplate the nature of love on this special day. 

Here Comes 'Urban Reggie'

On October 10, 2011 on the AN Forums, I featured an a topic about an animated project on the way entitled "Urban Reggie". A Kickstarter campaign was in progress to fun the project. See the topic here. Although the campaign didn't work out, the creative team behind the project kept moving forward and I'm happy to report they've got a trailer for the property ready to go and playing on YouTube!

Congrats to all involved, especially Ivette and Marilu Molina, my students from Cal State Northridge and The Animation Academy, who played a significant part in its production.

Urban Reggie is the high-adrenaline underdog story of a clueless young man from south of the border who comes to America with his even more clueless, oversized younger brother to make it big in Hollywood. Created by veteran artist Erick Tran from "The Simpsons", check out the latest exclusive content for Urban Reggie here along  with the current Forum topic. Enjoy the video...


Ridley Scott's 'Prometheus' - June 8, 2012

Think this movie will be a hit? You can bet on it. Looking forward to the prequel story for the 'Alien' franchise which got its start way back in 1979. Full of what promises to be amazing effects animation and an engrossing story, 'Prometheus' involves a team of explorers who discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race. Thanks to Skynet for bringing this to the Forums. Here's the trailer...


'Black Sunrise' by Nick Cross

Active on our old Forums for many years, Nick Cross is an extremely talented animator located in Toronto, Canada. He's currently immersed in an ambitious project entitled "Black Sunrise", a feature animated film he's creating and producing. With ten minutes completed so far, he's edited two trailers for the movie. Skynet brought this topic to the Forums where you can see the original trailer here. Production updates along with interesting content can be found on Nick's blog. Here's the latest trailer for Black Sunrise. Wishing Nick Cross all the best in seeing his emerging masterpiece through to completion.


'The Kiosk' by Insert Coin Productions Athens

Very happy to be sharing this with the Nation and a big YEIA SAS shout out to the community of animation in Ellas.

The Insert Coin Production team from Athens, Greece, has recently finished the pilot episode of their series "The Kiosk". It's a Nominee in the 7th International AnimFest 2012 in Athens taking place March 7. The Kiosk takes a critical look at Greek society and its people at a time when the country is having some very severe problems economically and in other ways.

The Kiosk’s goals are to criticize and entertain by exposing the country’s social, economic and political issues through stories which relate to the film's main and supporting characters of a fictitious town named Ekaleo. The word Ekaleo is derived from Ekali (rich suburb of Athens) and Egaleo (poor suburb of Athens).

They've just started their first funding campaign on Indiegogo so take a look if you would at The Kiosk Campaign page.

Wishing everyone involved with the project good luck and much success. Here's the Forum topic and here's the film...


Zombie Murder Explosion Die! Episode 1

A crazy new animated project that's launched on the Web from Sonic Bunny Productions. The series follows five tech-addicted teens as they epically fail their way through a zombie apocalypse. With no survival skills... thank goodness they have Jack. 

ZMED! is on Facebook and Twitter. The Forum topic is here. It's getting very good traffic so far on Youtube with the director's channel here. The language is a bit harsh, so be advised, otherwise, enjoy the first installment of the series...


The Pixar Story

A great doumentary produced in 2007 was brought to our attention on the Forums recently as long time ANer Greg Boone started a topic concerning 'The Pixar Story'. I found it on YouTube and spent some quality time viewing the video in its entirety. Accurate, informative, interviews with all the players involved, and above all incredibly inspiring. If you haven't had a chance to see this film about the history of Pixar, make it a point to do so. It will greatly enahnce your appreciation of the studio and everything that's lead up to its success over the years. Here's the Forum topic for reference and the video for your viewing pleasure...

