Happy Hanukkah 2011

Last night as the sun went down, the first night of Hanukkah was observed. Since AN first went online we've nearly 13 years ago we've never missed the chance to wish all our friends who observe the Holiday, peace, prosperity, health and happiness. To celebrate, we have Sesame Street's Veronica Monica to thank for an animated explanation of what Hanukkah is all about. For videos celebrating the Festival of Lights visit the Forum topic.


Giant Creative's 'The Last Train'

A new member on the AN Forums, spencerzc brought this great little film to our attention. I'm not sure who did what on "The Last Train" as there seems to be several players involved, but here's what I can put together. It's from The Animation Hub which participated in a joint-venture between the Irish School of Animation at Ballyfermot Community College of Further Education (BCFE)and Trinity College Dublin’s Graphics, Vision and Visualisation Group (GV2) and the recently established animation studio Giant Creative, which will be launching  their full website in early 2012.

The Last Train is part of a new scheme set up by BCFE and Trinity College to promote working relationships between BCFE’s animation students and TCD’s computer science students.

However it goes, I'm sure you'll enjoy this clever animated film. Congrats to all on an excellent job.


Tim Birks - Character Animation Showreel

When our members post something of exceptional interest in AN's Gallery, I like to feature it on the site's homepage. Here's video that I find enjoyable to watch. It's the showreel for a talented animator in the UK by the name of Tim Birks. Tim is a 12 year industry veteran and well versed in 3D StudioMax and Softimage XSI. Check out his video reel below. Tim's original Forum topic can be found here.


'El Shaddai' - Innovative look for video games

Video games continue to push the envelope in design and style for animated content. A recent game that's worth looking into is "El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron" which is getting high marks and positive reviews in the industry. El Shaddai is a Japanese video game for the XBOX 360 and PS3 systems developed by UTV Ignition Games. Here's a couple of trailers for the game posted on the Forums By AN's webmaster Skynet...



'Fortnite' from Epic Games

Epic Games is developing a new video game entitled "Fortnite", an expansive original world that invites players to be creative, resourceful and collaborative by day and defend their prized fortress by night, all utilizing the latest Unreal Engine technology. The look of the game is intriguing as it embodies an appealing cartoony feel to the characters. Check out the trailer...


'Arrugas - Wrinkles' makes its LA run

Positioning itself for Academy Award nomination by screening in Los Angeles theaters this week, 'Wrinkles' is a traditionally animated feature film based on Paco Roca´s name-sake graphic novel, published by Editions Delcourt. In 2008 the Department for Culture prized it with the National Comic Award and Italy´s prestigious Lucca Festival bestowed it the Gran Guinigi Award for best long story. Wrinkles has also won the top prizes for Best Material and Best Script by the Salón Internacional del Cómic in Barcelona 2008 and the Award for Best Spanish Comic Strip by the Diario de Avisos of Tenerife 2008.

Directed by Ignacio Ferreras, Produced by Perro Verde Films (España) ‏ / Cromosoma (España)  / ‏TVG (España) with Manuel Cristóbal and Oriol Ivern as Producers, Wrinkles deals with Alzheimers, a disease that affects many people and their families the world over. 

Here's a clip from the film. The teaser can be found here.


Ralph Baer - Father of Video Games

We receive interesting articles regarding animation from a newsletter sent out by The Entertainment Economy Institute which are in turn posted on the Forums. Here's one that is intriguing since it involves the history of video games and in particular, Ralph H. Baer who is credited with being the father of the technology. Mr. Baer created the precursor to the Odyssey way back in 1967. The "Brown Box," a unit with corded controllers that had a number of games built in, including a ping-pong game similar to the legendary "Pong" that University of Utah graduate and Atari president Nolan Bushnell created five years later.  The now 89-year-old television engineer invented the first home video game console, the Magnavox Odyssey, in 1972 - five years before the Atari 2600 took the world by storm.

Here's a look at Ralph Baer playing video ping-pong on the Brown Box in 1969. Here's the link to the Forum topic.


Draw 3D in Space with Sandde

At this year's CTN eXpo in Burbank a couple weeks ago, there was a demonstration of an incredible new software. The kind that automatically makes you ask yourself, where are things going to next?

Sandde is the world's first freehand steroscopic animation system, and it is amazing. Ever doodle in air to visualize an image? With Sandde, it goes without saying cuz that's how the software is utilized. Take a look at this video and you'll see what I'm talking about. Then head on over to their website to find out more.


At Walt Disney's Grave on Birthday 110

And as I've done for the past few years, earlier today I made a pilgrimage to the grave of Walt Disney to pay my respects and show love on the occasion of his birthday. This is the place where his mortal remains are interred, along with his wife, his son-in-law and a marker for his daughter whose ashes were scattered. Walt's body was cremated at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, California and placed here. He was born in Chicago, Illinois on December 5, 1901, marking 110 years ago today. The light colored flowers in the picture below were placed there by yours truly. Follow this link to see more photos from my visit to Walt Disney's gravesite.


