AmazonStudios - Development Deals

I've heard about this and became aware of it when ArmyMan brought it to our attention today at this topic on the Forums. Turns out through a program called "AmazonStudios" is getting into the business of developing original programming. This is welcome news for everyone involved with and aspiring to develop creative content and underscores just how significant the move towards bringing original programming to the Internet is becoming.

Click here to learn more about AmazonStudios and see what's happening with the projects they're lining up. For info on their criteria for submissions and  how you can get involved in preparing for this new territory click here to access their site. Also check out the video below for a visual explanation of what AmazonStudios has in mind. It's from a year ago but still has pertinence towards the idea of developing original Web based programming.


Apple's Internal Marketing Video from 1984

Here's something that's fun to watch and prophetic in nature. Take a trip back in time some 28 years ago to 1984 as Apple Computers recreates World War II and 1944 in a humorous internal marketing video intended for motivational purposes.

In January 1984, the Macintosh TV ad that aired during the Super Bowl caused a sensation. This was a follow up. Set as a tale of good vs. IBM, its budget was purportedly only $50,000. It was designed to fire up Apple's international sales force at a meeting in Hawaii that same year.


'The Question' by Jesse Bond

Here's a short film that many can relate to. Animated in the classic silhouette cut out technique, directed, illustrated and animated by Jesse Bond with an array of many talented individuals who took part in the creation of the film. "The Question" was produced by Port City Community Church of Wilmington, North Carolina and was recently submitted to the 2012 Telly Awards.


'Diablo III' - May 15 2012 from Blizzard

Just when you think that teaser trailers for upcoming video games couldn't get any better, you see something that let's you know how much better they're getting.

Case in point, "Diablo III" on its way from Blizzard Entertainment this May 15, 2012. Take a look at the TV commercial that went online a couple of days ago and you'll see what I'm talking about.


Greg Hettinger's 'Lucille IV' - Rocket Man

Saw this film on YouTube and recognized the moniker of 'hett15' as someone who was active on the old AN forums prior to the switch to the new format we currently use. Sure enough, looks like it's the same person.

This is "Lucille IV" which is a 2009 senior thesis film from the Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida. The filmmaker is Greg Hettinger and he did an incredible job with this very entertaining animated short. Greg is now an environment artist and animator at DreamWorks in Glendale, California.


Ridely Scott's 'Prometheus' - June 1, 2012

A new trailer for "Prometheus" is out and it gives us a better glimpse into the movie than what we were seeing before. This is a trailer for the film's international release and according to the date we see here it will be opening a month from now on June 1. The official website for Prometheus is at this link. There's also lots to see at the Forum topic that's being maintained for this high end FX heavy film.


Staffordshire Film Festival UK - May 6 2012

This weekend on Sunday, May 6, 2012 the Staffordshire Film Festival will be taking place as part of the Staffordshire Festival of Performing Arts.

The festival will be showcasing films from talented filmmakers locally, nationally and internationally, and will include competition for Best Animation. There will be numerous industry experts speaking on the day as well as representatives from different companies. There will also be numerous networking opportunities for those who wish to have one to one talks with people actually working in the film industry. Refreshments will be provided.

For more information and to make arrangements to reserve seating follow this link to the Forum topic brought to us by StaffsFilm.

'Carrot Crazy' - Ringling College of Art and Design

The proliferation of high quality student films from animation schools worldwide is an amazing thing to behold in our day. Many of these films are way beyond what anyone would have envisioned just a few years ago. At the launch of AN in early 1999, the content coming from film schools was nothing like what we're seeing today. Student films have become a genre onto themselves and oftentimes matching or even exceeding studio content.

Here's another example. This is "Carrot Crazy" from the Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida. A film by Dylan Vanwormer and Logan Scelina.

