Gameloft New Orleans staffing up

Gameloft's New Orleans studio is open for business and looking to fill positions in their state-of-the-art studio. The lead came from which is an excellent site for seeing what's up in animation employment opportunities. Gameloft is a French computer and video game developer and publisher headquartered in Paris. The company has subsidiaries in 31 countries around the world. Check out the videos below and follow this link for more info about what they're looking for at their New Orleans studio. This topic was first posted in AN 's Business Forum which is frequently updated with opportunities and business related information for the community.



Cisco's 'Ike Theodore Willis' - IT Hero

The Cisco Corporation has gotten into the animation game with a series of short films featuring a character named Ike Theodore Willis. The abbreviation of which is "IT" of course. He experiences adventures that provide an opportunity for him to save the day by virtue of utilizing Cisco networking systems. Very clever and nicely produced by Snowball VFX and Animation Studio in Tel Aviv. You can see more episodes of IT Willis on the Forum topic.


Wallace and Gromit's Grand Appeal Nov 1-10 '11

There's a landmark art auction taking place from November 1 - 10, 2011. An online Animated Art Auction will take place to raise much needed funds for Bristol Children’s Hospital in the UK. It's called "Wallace and Gromit's Grand Appeal". This will give animation fans all over the world the opportunity to bid on original pieces and signed prints from some of the greatest talents in animation. There's a collection of over 30 pieces of artwork including original sketches, paintings and prints created especially for the auction that will be sold.

Most importantly, the auction will raise funds for a charity that supports some of animation’s biggest fans - children.

There's donations from Pete Lord, Nick Park and a host of Aardman artists and animators, John Lasseter, Pete Docter, Ray Harryhausen, Adam Ellis, Pete Lord, Dick Williams, Arthur Leonardi, Brian Cosgrove, Tom Moore, Terry Brain, Nick Park, and many more.

Head to the Wallace and Gromit Grand Appeal website to see what's up. Updates will be posted in the Forum topic.

WIA presents 'Union: A Debate' - Burbank - Oct 21 2011

You're welcome to attend a significant industry event in Burbank, California on the evening of this Friday, October 21 at the headquarters of The Animation Guild. It starts at 7:00 PM and will go until 10:00 PM. I'll be among four panelists as I represent the independent perspective at a landmark debate in the heart of the animation community. This is sponsored by Women In Animation.

You'll find all the details here at the Forum Topic.

Skylanders - Spyro's Adventure

Imagine my surprise when I went to YouTube's homepage over the past few days and found a major advertising campaign underway for the "Skylanders - Spyro's Adventure" video game. Spyro the Dragon is a character I designed and developed for Insomniac Games back in early 1997. It's been a very successful franchise and is still happening as is evidenced by this new interpretation of the property. It's on all major video gaming systems, including Wii, Nintendo 3DS, XBOX 360, Sony PlaySation 3 and PC/MAC computers. It became avilable on October 16, 2011 in North America, October 15 in Europe, and October 13, 2011.

Here's the official website for Skylanders. You can also see the original development art I created for Spyro the Dragon here.

Enjoy the trailer for Skylanders...

